Drain & Sewer Backups | HydroMax Plumbing

Drain & Sewer Backups

Sewer backups are common causes for homeowners and there could be many reasons why sewer backups occur. One of the most common causes of a sewer backup for homeowner and business owners is old and outdated plumbing. Other common causes of sewer backups may be clogs, plant roots, or blockages of the main sewer line.

emergency repairs for drain and sewer backup
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How to Identify Backups

Ways you may tell that you have a sewer backup are bubbles near a drain, such as when you flush a toilet or when your sink is draining, your toilet won’t flush, or you have water backflow.

Call a Professional

Hydromax Plumbing offers quality sewer repair and replacement services. If you suspect something is wrong with your drain lines or the sewer itself, Hydromax Plumbing can find and correct the underlying problem, so your sewage backup does not recur. 

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Service Area


Evansville, Newburgh, Boonville, Mt. Vernon, Vincennes, Jasper, Washington, Princeton, Tell City


Will travel a 1-2 hour radius


Will travel a 4-5 hour radius